Bush Music Club Inc.

Singabout Sessions

To make the sessions accessible to people outside Sydney and to help prevent the spread of Covid the sessions are currently being held online via Zoom. Send Emma an email request (address below) to get a Zoom link.

Singabout Sessions are a revival of a Sydney Folk Music tradition - gathering at the Bush Music Club to sing songs, tell yarns, and other spoken word activities. It's an open mic night with just one request - that your performance contains an Australian accent OR covers a topic broadly considered "Australiana".

Songs, ballads, odes, yarns, jokes, poems, skits are welcome - whether your own or written by someone else.

Musical accompaniment is welcome so please bring an instrument for the "Singabout Sessions" as Australian songs from the Bush Music Club singalong books will be a part of the night, for everyone to enjoy: singing well known songs amongst friends. This is a chance to showcase your works or to simply sit back and enjoy a show.

Second Wednesday of the Month, Feb - Dec
from 11am
Online via Zoom
Numbers limited
First timers, please email your request to sing to bmcmail1954@gmail.com

Session is streamed on public digital social media.