playing bush instruments for many years.
Here is a selection from his archives.
The tinwhistle could, in one form or other, be just about the earliest
private instrument (of the common people) in the new colony.
This is a small instrument made in a Victorian era factory from two separate pieces
of tin-plated iron with the edges rolled together.
The Bones were widely played and, in the good old days, rib bones from the
tough old beasts butchered were heavy enough to use. Nowadays I make them
from various (usually) hardwoods for more control and selection.
The Spoons are another improvised instrument possibly more evident in the
revival than back when your Mum would have belted you for denting her good
The Barcoo Dog is an improvised rattler - more used to move sheep in the
home paddock than dancers but called in when all else fails. This is the
shanghai style - they also come as a simple ring of fencing wire with any
small metal rubbish as rattlers.
The Bodhran is self explanatory, ubiquitous and the English were sensible
enough to attach the death penalty to possession of one in Ireland.
The Boomerang Deluxe Mouthorgan was made in Saxony for Alberts Music Co.
(by CA Seyel und Sohne - a family firm since 1847: they have survived
Bismarck, the Kaiser, Hitler, Stalin and the fall of the Berlin Wall...).
This one cost me 5/6 - a long time ago!